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SC SK plugin
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This is a plugin to fix Spam Karma so it will work with WP Super Cache.
It corrects the problem of Spam Karma inserting IP addresses and dates in the pages.
It is a replacement for the old payload and java plugins.

If you are using WP Super Cache you must use this if you want to use Spam Karma.

These are 2 plugins for the SK plugin directory.
This is the release version it will clear your cache when the KEY is changed.
You will need to uninstall the old plugins read the docs first.

If you use this I need you to post your comments on how its working.

Since no one has yet reported using this plugin I will likely will not post another update
and only work on it for my own blog. V3 will be the last release unless I get feedback

Direct download link Here or select current version from the following menu. Post your comments here

WP Super Cache Manager fix for spam karma

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